Friday, August 27, 2010

Long time Coming!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post! The Elliott Fam. has been going through so many changes! At the beginning of July I started a new job at Tullahoma Dental Group! I love it....yay we are actually a busy office, which is very tiring but makes my days go by so much faster! Not to mention a huge pay raise....I cannot complain! About a month ago J accepted a job at Murfreesboro Medical Clinic! He loves his new job and it was such an answer to prayers, but the drive kinda stinks!
We have put our house on the market, which is a chore in its self trying to keep it clean all the time with a 6 month old. We are wanting to move to the Bell Buckle/ Wartrace area so J and I can split the drive! However, we have found that it is not easy to find a home there....for some reason people like it there ha ha ha! We are planning to be in this house for quite sometime so we want to be in the best school district which is Cascade. J went to school there and that is really where we would like Liam to go.
In the midst of all this J's dad, Scott, received his heart transplant after a million prayers. we have been to Indiana once to see him since then, but Liam couldn't go back to see him because he had a runny nose and we didn't want to get Scott sick. We did get to meet his Fiance, Greta, she is super nice and they are getting married in December! Even though we were in the hospital most of the time we were in Indiana we had such a good time. Kim, J's aunt, and Jennafer, J's sister, went with us. It was a car full and a hotel full of people but it was so much fun staying up late and catching up!
Now to me sweet little Liam! HE IS SO BIG. At his 6 month check he weighed 18lbs 5oz. and is 27 1/2 inches! He is in the 75th percentile for both weight and height. He has recently started army crawling and sitting up on his own. His first word was MAMA, and man he is chatty! He never stops moving, not even when he is sleeping! He has three teeth now, and each time he has been teething he has gotten an ear infection! I hope he doesn't follow in Jeremy's footsteps, his mom told me that by 11 months he had so many ear infections he had to have tubes in his ears. Liam is eating like a big boy now, rice cereal twice a day and veggies at night with his cereal. He loves to eat so much he gets mad if you don't put it in his mouth fast enough.
Let me tell you, Liam really is the cutest baby I know! He has such a cute little personality. I love it when he looks at me and I can see so much of J in him but yet he has the biggest brown eyes in the world and every time I look in them they scream ME! Sorry I have not pictures today, I am at work so i have to be getting along now.
Hope to post again soon!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Man I Love This Boy

I am pretty much the luckiest Mom in the world. Liam is such a sweet baby and
oh my gosh he is so good. J and I have it made with him.
Just one look at that sweet little face and we just melt.
Sweet Cheeks Kisses
Oh can you resist that smirk from Cookie Monster?
These are probably my favorite pictures! I love that they both have their hands behind their heads. We have an ultrasound picture of Liam with his arm up like that....oh too sweet. Too bad I was getting ready for work and couldn't snuggle with them all morning.

Look how big my sweet boy is getting. I can't believe he is 4 months already.
And of that smile will just melt your heart!

Little Swimmer

J's Aunt Penny and Uncle Jeff invested in an awesome pool this summer. Thank goodness because I was very weary of taking Liam to a public pool (also known as public toilets) this summer. I knew he would love the water and boy was I right. He just splashed and loved his little floaty. He tried to put his face in the water a couple of
times but I didn't let him get too close. ha.

This was on the way to swim. He was ready to go in
his swim gear Thanks to Gymboree! Such a cute suit. I think that was
the best part lol. I loved the piranhas. So sweet!
Here he is in his floaty trying to put his face in
the little pool of water in the front of the float. ha.

Liam and Mommy
The sun was too bright...I think he needs some baby sunglasses!

Pa Bill & Gran's House

Sorry this is a little late....My Pa Bill had a birthday party a few weekends ago. We had such a great time getting to see all of our family. It's really sad that they only like like 20 minutes away and we rarely see them. Anyways, Liam had such a great time. Here are a few pics.
Josslyn (Liam's Cousin), J, and Liam
He was very intrigued by her, I think he liked her sweet curls
Liam and My Great Granny Hanger
(his Great Great Granny)
I love that we were able to get this picture. My Granny Rubye Hanger is My last Great Grandparent alive. She just begged to hold Liam, I have to admit I was a little nervous because she is not so quick and he is very squirmy, but she loved holding him and almost didn't give him back. ha ha

Aunt Jenny, Cousin Anna, and Liam playing ride a little horsey. He loved this game and he really loved Aunt Jenny.

Joselyn, Anna, Mason, and Liam
Sweet little Mason....He loves Liam so much. Liam was definitely the center of their attention!

Liam, Pa Bill, Gran, Miles , Mason, and Ella-Gracin
As you can tell there is no way that we won't be able to get a good picture of all of the grandchildren together anytime soon. It's like they hear picture and go crazy. Liam was crying, Mason and Miles were just sitting (no smiles) and E.G. was having nothing to do with any of it. ha. Even though it's not perfect, I love it, who likes perfect pictures anyways.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I have seen this look so many times!! Not from Liam but his Daddy. It crazy how much they are alike. Liam is 4 months old, it is amazing how fast time flies and how much he has grown in 4 short months.
Love you Liam

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sweet Boys!

I have so many sweet babies in my life. Mason, Ella-Gracin, and Miles are my wonderful nephews and niece. Of coarse I love all of them but there is something so special about that first nephew. And lucky for us Liam's cousin Mason got to come and visit last weekend. Man he loves Liam too. He told me probably 50 times "I love him." Mason just in case I don't tell you every time I see you....J and I love you SO much. You are so special to us! You have such a sweet spirit and you are ALL boy for sure, from searching for bugs to playing bum bum tag! lol. You're my favorite first nephew ever!

Mason being silly as McDonald's
Grandpa, Mason, and Liam
(Liam is more interested in Grandpa's watch than the Camera)

My sweet boy knocked out after Church

Playing this morning
(his fav. is being naked ha)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Update on Poppy Scott

J's dad, Scott, went to the hospital about a week ago for some tests to be placed on the heart transplant list. They tested the right side of his heart and it was working perfectly. Then they tested the left side and it was working perfectly too! The Doctors have turned down his machine,that has been pumping his heart for 6 months now, so that Scott's heart is doing 70% of the work on it's own. We are hoping and praying that his heart will continue the get stronger and eventually there will be no risk and the machine can be removed.
This is such a testament of many prayers, but please continue to pray for Liam's Poppy Scott.